(Pre-)Local Crag Sunday (Issue #5a)

In which it really is just too hot to climb properly, but Sarah and I have a great time biking our way out to the local crag and nearly kill Billie the dog. Billie is a trooper though, and recovers while Sarah and I suffer through a few routes. All is well though, and really we […]
Signs of Spring

Besides the Jacarandas and the return of mosquitos, there is the return of the heat. Even my cat has had to make a concession to the rising temperatures and can no longer nap completely under the covers.
Sure, it’s January

or, Sure it’s January? Like I’ve been saying, no complaints about the weather.
It was a dark and stormy night

I was running fast to get home for two reasons. First, it was very, very dark behind me, and second, I wanted to take a picture. Not exactly what I had envisioned, but I’m still learning. Since it is still rainy season and we are in this late afternoon/early evening storm cycle, I should have […]
Beautiful Weather