Back from Oaxaca

It was a great long weekend, and the day started beautifully. The 10-hour ride back was tough, but all-in-all worth it. As usual, more photos to come. [mappress mapid=”9″]
Vacation: up the coast to the boulders and forest we go

I’m just back from an amazing, and as-warned much to short visit to California to see my novio. Sigh. And the Mexican customs confiscated the delicious salami that I was bringing back. I’m grumpy to be back. I’m sure my mood will improve once I go for a run. Except for the fact that I […]
My first real use of incidental leave – visit to Puebla

I got back late last night from a great weekend in Puebla visiting my best girlfriend and co-volunteer. We didn’t even really do anything except catch up, and that was perfect. I only messed up a little on the way back, because I thought that I had bought my bus ticket online the day before, […]
Wine and cheese in Tequis

For the first weekend free from training and the last weekend with some friends before they move to their sites, we spent the day in Tequisquiapan at the wine and cheese festival. Underwhelming in terms of wine and cheese, but we did find a decent sparkling white and manchego to snack on. Tequis is a charming town, […]
Mexico City – Context Visit

We are just back from our final field trip for PST – our “Context Visit” to Mexico City. It was a quick trip to a bunch of headquarters – CONACYT, UNAM, IMPI, and several embassy resources. Even with only two nights free in D.F., I’m smitten with the city. I can’t wait to go back […]
Return from Volunteer Visit

I’m back from a few days in the campo. Great trip. Only time for a few pictures right now. Starting with the most important – the food. Had delicious huaraches in the mercado, and definitely not the shoe variety – blue corn, nopales, potato, and mucho queso. Also had some time in the beautiful park. […]
Guanajuato, Mexico

There was no doubt that everyone was enchanted by Guanajuato. The most common lament was that no one would be stationed there. While we had another meeting canceled here, the frustration was tempered by the extra time for our cultural activities. Even though I wasn’t really eating, I loved the green bakery, and I always […]
León, Mexico

As I look over the pictures from León, taken during our Field Based Training, I think that I’m not giving the city enough credit. It certainly looks like we had some fun. The experience was a bit tainted, figuratively and literally, by the frustration of having one of our meetings canceled. the trouble to find […]
Return from FBT

I’m back from my mostly interesting trip to Léon and Guanajuato. The highlight was definitely Guanajuato. Not only is the city just beautiful, but the mummy museum is also amazing. I’m working on editing the pictures, but here is a panorama of Guanajuato to get started. I think everyone was disappointed that no one will […]

The whole group of PCM10 trainees, a few Spanish teachers, and a couple of other facilitators are headed out tomorrow for our first field based training. We also have another transport rally to explore one of the cities we are visiting and practice Spanish (siempre). So, back on the weekend. One highlight from the previous […]
Are these the mountains to climb?

Spotted while flying south over Mexico
Headed to Mexico tomorrow

Officially a trainee for the next 11 weeks.