Big, beautiful times

Really worthwhile to click on the picture to see it full size. Just ignore the artifacts at the horizon from a less than perfect job on the construction of the panorama. Also, there is an interesting comparison to be made between the vistas above on Isla Isabel and below on Bartholomew Island in the Galapagos.
To the birds

3 days into a week of travel. ~730 pics so far, although this number is inflated from 2 sunrise time-lapse series. Still, a lot to edit. So far, amazing – the trip not boasting about the pictures. I spent the weekend on the Marine bird protected area and National Park, Isla Isabel. More on this […]
Surprised, Scraped, Smacked around, but still Smiling

I was totally unprepared to be climbing well on the tufa-filled caves of Guadalcázar. I had either been avoiding or unable to join the group on the previous trips for the 3-hour drive up north into San Luis PotosÃ, but I’m very glad that I did join them this time. It is a beautiful place, […]
Sweet dreams for the long journey home

It was a very nice week in Switzerland. Just trying to keep that in mind through the long, long traveling time back to Mexico.
Monarchs: the rest of the story

Although it is very nice to be back in Switzerland for the holidays, and the mountains are beautiful, I am still amazed as I edit the monarch pictures. Three of us went to one of the monarch winter nesting grounds near Valle de Bravo in central Mexico. We aren’t allowed into the state of Michoacan […]
Monarchs, the teaser

Three of us spent a bit longer than a day in Valle de Bravo in the Estado de Mexico to go see the monarch butterflies in one of their winter homes in Piedra Herrada. Soooo many more pictures to come, but this is one of my favorites. Really no words to describe this experience, but […]
What’s mine is yours

Of course, I’m referring to the upcoming pictures in this post from the just-ended, and thanks to Aeromexico, extended visit by my guy. He arrived on Thanksgiving, and we had 5+ days together for his first visit to Mexico and our second visit since I arrived here in March. I am so happy that it […]
They really are more cosmopolitan in the big city.

Alternate titles considered: “Tongue-tied with awesomeness” (yellow one with 3 tongues) “Pure awesomeness” “Ever had one of those days” (for the green, googly-eyed one) Something to do with the injustice of Marie Curie’s head ending up on a float Although they are all true in their own way, I couldn’t find the perfect image to […]
The beginnings of a proper Mexico City visit

Hit the road, for the weekend

Feeling a bit exposed here

I have no idea what is going on here. Or maybe it is just that type of week.
Visit to Oaxaca – Puppies and Tlayudas, but separate.

When I received a last-minute invitation to Oaxaca last week, it took me a few hours to accept, because I was supposed to go work with the bees on Saturday. However, it was a long weekend because of the independence day holiday on Friday, and this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. […]