My first real use of incidental leave – visit to Puebla

I got back late last night from a great weekend in Puebla visiting my best girlfriend and co-volunteer. We didn’t even really do anything except catch up, and that was perfect. I only messed up a little on the way back, because I thought that I had bought my bus ticket online the day before, […]
Another Sunday, another cactus

And another great day climbing.
Sunday in Las Tepuzas (I think)

I had another great climbing day this Sunday. We drove just into Guanajuato state, and I think I’ve found the location on the map which indicates that the climbing is actually in Queretaro state: [mappress mapid=”5″] And you can start your day with quesadillas and pulque at the turn off to the crag. It was […]

I’ve been working on a personal presentation to give to people at my site as a way of introducing myself, my background, and more former work. So, I’ve been going through a lot of pictures, and I found a bunch of stragglers that didn’t quite make the cut the first time. However, a lot of […]
Sigh of relief, it was about time

It was fantastically great to get back on real rock this weekend. With the group from the local climbing gym, I went bouldering in Aculco, basically here: [mappress mapid=”4″] The rock was nice and I did a variety of problems. I wasn’t working on anything too hard, but I sent everything I tried in a […]
Wine and cheese in Tequis

For the first weekend free from training and the last weekend with some friends before they move to their sites, we spent the day in Tequisquiapan at the wine and cheese festival. Underwhelming in terms of wine and cheese, but we did find a decent sparkling white and manchego to snack on. Tequis is a charming town, […]
Mexico City – Context Visit

We are just back from our final field trip for PST – our “Context Visit” to Mexico City. It was a quick trip to a bunch of headquarters – CONACYT, UNAM, IMPI, and several embassy resources. Even with only two nights free in D.F., I’m smitten with the city. I can’t wait to go back […]
Fruit plate at the bar

Nothing like a circus

especially on a Saturday night after a hard week [nggallery id=14]
Hamburguerz and Jazz on Sunday

The hamburger as it should be – with a jazz flautist.
Day trip – San Miguel de Allende

Only one thing is missing, the pictures of the best part – La Gruta. However, I’ve been light on posting pictures of old churches. So, here you go.
Hogar del Joven/DÃa del Niño

I backed into the perfect activity for Children’s Day this past weekend. A current volunteer brought to our attention a sort of a halfway house for children in one of the northern colonias of the city that desperately needs repairs. She organized a group of current volunteers and trainees to go out and start making […]