Monarchs, the teaser

Three of us spent a bit longer than a day in Valle de Bravo in the Estado de Mexico to go see the monarch butterflies in one of their winter homes in Piedra Herrada. Soooo many more pictures to come, but this is one of my favorites. Really no words to describe this experience, but […]

Local Crag Sunday (Issue #3)

In which Karen goes to the slightly-less local crag and triumphantly challenges herself on lead and completes two of the hardest routes she as ever tried. Completed yes, a little ugly at times, but that is why they are projects, still to be red-pointed. The number of small scrapes on my hands and the sensitivity […]

Local Crag Sunday (Issue #2)

In which Sarah and I spend the first hour looking for a stubbornly misplaced Billie, pay too much for a cab to the crag, and then watch as Karen somehow drops a draw from the wall as she is clipping in. Overall, a fine Sunday morning, even if I did suffer a bit because I […]

All work, no felt.

Things are a bit hectic in these weeks before the holidays, and I’ve been working so much that I don’t have time to get back to my crafts, nor do I have anything inspired to blog.

Local Crag Sunday (Issue #1)

In which Sarah and I finally have a rope and gear, find our way with the bus to the closest local crag, and Sarah forgets her harness and shoes but manages to borrow one from fellow climbers. Never to be defeated, we shall return for more! Stayed tuned for the future adventures of the dawn patrol.

What’s mine is yours

Of course, I’m referring to the upcoming pictures in this post from the just-ended, and thanks to Aeromexico, extended visit by my guy. He arrived on Thanksgiving, and we had 5+ days together for his first visit to Mexico and our second visit since I arrived here in March. I am so happy that it […]

These kids today…

…and their violent games. They are either beating on something with a stick, or just playing with fire.

Just hanging around…

…getting ready for Day of the Dead, and I am excited. I rereading that and I don’t know if it sounds wrong or insensitive, but I really enjoy the art and learning about this aspect of the Mexican culture. It is going to be a couple of crazy weeks, and actually I had a great, […]

Those training materials are useful after all

Training, and the accompanying cold took me down hard last week, much harder than I expected when I felt the first tickle in my throat last Tuesday. I am finally feeling a bit of relief and I can actually imagine feeling like myself again with my energy back, but I’m not feeling enough relief and […]