End of day monarchy

I’m not even sure what the title means, that is how fried I am. However, a quick photography stop for sunflowers became even more glorious with my lepidopterous friend here. Again, unabashed word abuse, but I like the way it sounds.
A plumed thistle for your thoughts?

Found on a pleasant evening dog-walk. It is either a Wavyleaf thistle or a Texas thistle – still investigating the subtle differences between Cirsium undulatum and Cirsium texanum. Any botanists want to chime in? Both are plumed thistles, I believe.
Local Flavor

Also known as Eeyore’s Birthday Party. Not that the name makes any more sense, but this year was the 50th annual celebration. Oh Austin. You can google the actual event and read the history. I tried to mostly stay away from just taking pictures of wacky people, so I focused on wacky animals and their people […]
Turn the car around

No seriously, I swear there are zebras back there. Nothing like classic weekend Americana in Texas Hill Country. Best unexpected zebra detail: fuzzy ears I just hope they aren’t for selling zebra meat.
April flowers

Spring is pushed a month early here, so it should have been March showers for April flowers, but there has not been enough rain. I’ll wait another week, but things are getting desperate in terms of wildflowers. I might just be walking down the highway medians, because that’s where all the best flowers appear to […]
SXSW 2013 – a first-timer’s film festival wrap-up.

Counting shorts, I managed to see 41 movies in 8 days. Of course, looking back at the screening list, there are so many more that I wish I had seen. However, in those days I could sit no more, nor absorb more visual input. It was great and very intense. Only a bit of movie […]
Out of the theater

And into the near-summer brightness and heat on this last day of “Spring Break.” My SXSW film round-up will be coming soon. First, my first birds of Texas! A Golden-cheeked Warbler and a Northern Cardinal.
SXSW 2013 – first days at a film festival

I’m taking a short break from reality to take advantage of SXSW being in town. Since it is spring break, I have a partner in crime who doesn’t have to work, since she teaches, and is the perfect movie-going companion for an unemployed gal. The program of movies alone is overwhelming, and that doesn’t even […]
My first RPCV event

Look at me all awkwardly professional on my first outing for an “official” RPCV event (I’m the one in yellow). The awkwardness is only in the picture though. I had a fantastic “Take an RPCV to Work Day” today. On Tuesday I received an email from the Office of Third Goal and Returned Volunteer Services, or […]
There’s always something else

Well, my new Texas driver’s license says that I am officially a resident. It’s nice to be back to reading a paper each morning, including the crossword in a language where I stand a chance. Sundays seem to just disappear into the big ones. Still, I didn’t expect it to be like this… What is […]