Solar Oven Workshop Goodness

It was my second time participating in the solar oven workshops, and the first workshop in round two of the series, but actually workshop number 4 so far in total. As long as we are all clear now… Where the first workshop was general information and data collection, this workshop was the hands-on session. The […]
The problem when it’s not your camera…

… is that you don’t have any of the pictures to work with after the trip is over. Instead, I’m at the whim of my guy to choose and send me some. Still, what is worse is arriving home at 11:30pm to an apartment where the power has been cut because the power bill did […]

In what will hopefully become an ongoing gag. I had a great day working with Sarah and others on her solar oven project in a small community in the municipality of Huimilpan. More to come.
Fundraising for Child and Youth Scholarships at Niños y Niñas de México, A.C.

UPDATE: As of March 28, 2012, the grant is fully funded! Thank you to everyone who donated. If you still want to help in some way or learn more about this information, please contact me. Michaelene and I finally have our Peace Corps Partnership grant approved and ready for donations at: (linked removed) From our […]
Big Improvement

Just need the microphone now, and the spare battery and memory card wouldn’t hurt. Fortunately they are waiting for me on location for tomorrow.
Frustrating characters…

…not out in public, just on my couch on a Sunday morning with less than 24 hours until the application is due. Meanwhile, you can check out while I finish editing, and, as I’m changing my tagline to read, more on this to come.
Tools of the trade

Not my trade, but the trade that I’m working with this week by shooting video for a series of lessons on biointensive agriculture. Also, a trade that I’m trying to learn this week. The shooting video that is. I’m learning that we need spare batteries, learning that we need a tripod, learning that we need […]
Do you have 5 minutes to help us win $50k?

I’m working with a great team of former Peace Corps Volunteers and MIT students on a new non-profit. We were selected as semi-finalists in a competition to win up to 0,000, which would get us off the ground. Making it from the top 20 to the top five requires social marketing, because the competition is […]
Coming Soon…

…irresistibly cute children for whom I have a grant application pending. My friend Micha and I are going to be raising money for school scholarships through a Peace Corps Partnership grant. These kids from marginalized, indigenous families receive scholarships to attend school through the civil association Niños y Niñas de México, A.C. These kids would […]
Ingenuity inspiration

I looked up the definition of ingenuity to make sure I was thinking about it properly. in·ge·nu·i·ty (n): the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. (from googling “definition ingenuity”) Turns out I knew the definition. Knowing the definition doesn’t change why I was thinking about it. I can believe that sometimes I am each […]
The questions not asked – an essay on service (#1)

IÂ browse a lot of other blogs by Peace Corps volunteers and applicants. What has struck me recently is the misdirection of the rhetoric surrounding the questions to consider when applying or as you are applying. I’m writing this over a period of time to ensure that this is not just a long series of complaints, […]
Secondary Project activity at Niños y Niñas de México, A.C.

I joined another volunteer in one of her secondary project activities yesterday helping Otomi women at the Niños y Niñas de México organization work on they gift-card making project. They make cards that have an embroidered cover with a large variety of designs. The women do the embroidery work then they can bring it in to […]