To all my running shoes, thank you for your service

I was recently asked how I keep my sanity here. My automatic answer is that I run. A lot, by some measures. On my run last evening I realized that I’ve been running to some extent for the last 10 years. Nothing else helps me as much maintain emotional stability and handle stress. This has […]
2nd Marathon, way better than the first

I mean, I’m stuck on the couch now, but it is totally worth it since I achieved my goal of a sub 4h marathon. I finished right around 3h57m and a bit, and it was so satisfying. I felt great for almost the whole race. Kilometers 33-38 were kind of rough, but I had banked […]
Feeling Ready

I don’t think that pig helped me at all last year in the marathon, so I have a new mascot this time around.
Winning is a lot of fun

With trepidation I went to the Festival Internacional Salva el Diente this weekend outside of Guadalajara. After a late arrival, I wasn’t sure how I was going to be feeling for the 10k trail race early on Saturday morning, but I just wanted to run as a part of my marathon training (which is only three weeks away!). I […]
Here we go again

Except, this time on my own… However, Mike has now promised to focus on 10k training so that he can goad me into blasting out the last 10k and finish in under 4h. I’m basically quoting him there, and I’m counting on the help. Well, at least I’ll have a few more cans of Corona […]
First marathon, check. Next day hobbled, check. Worth it, check.

I was too tired yesterday afternoon to post about my first marathon success. I should start with the good news that I finished, without stopping or walking at all, with a time of 4h27m  for 42.195km/26.2miles. I’m really proud of the fact that I finished without walking at all, even though I was slower than […]
So, it’s kiss a pig for luck right?

So I’ve got this right? The night before a big race it’s: drink plenty of water, eat pasta, and kiss a pig for luck?
Those training materials are useful after all

Training, and the accompanying cold took me down hard last week, much harder than I expected when I felt the first tickle in my throat last Tuesday. I am finally feeling a bit of relief and I can actually imagine feeling like myself again with my energy back, but I’m not feeling enough relief and […]
Are we ready to race now?

Crap. I still need to register for the race.
Some things just sound ridiculous when you say them out loud

Mine for today: I ran 30k. I had the chance to say this out loud twice today, and it sounded so completely different out loud than it did in my head. I guess I should go ahead and register for the darn marathon. Meanwhile, Bernal from the backside, from the weekend – not ridiculous:
Training treat

Here’s what I treated myself to today after a pretty good 20k training run: One side peanut butter, banana, and honey. One side peanut butter, Nutella, and banana. Oh peanut butter and Nutella, I have to keep running this much to justify our relationship. This isn’t the best food shot that I’ve taken recently (thank […]
Take 2: Camping and Climbing

This time the plan was camp, climb, fiesta, maybe more climbing. However, looking back to Friday, my stomach was already a bit off. The (nearly) 3-hour run on Friday probably didn’t help. In fact, it kind of destroyed me. Maybe an ominous portent for Saturday, I had no energy to post about my success for […]