Camp Mariposas – Day 3

Well, as expected, I’m falling farther and farther behind in my efforts to edit and upload photos each day. The days are getting longer as we slowly pull out of winter and as each day’s activities and the evening drama of the camp extends into my sleep time. I’m actually taking the weekend off to […]
Camp Mariposas – Day 1

I’m going to repeat some Facebook information here because not everyone uses, or needs to use, that particular site (or be connected to me on that site). However, I can give more background and information here. For this whole week, I’m helping at a friend’s leadership and empowerment camp for young women here in Mexico. […]
The Some Birds

The title is in honor of my good friends and the great times visiting them, and even helping them with a work event. The tequila and movie-going were fantastic, but I also had a good time working at the city park where they were assigned and trying to wrangle group after group of teenagers to […]
That’s quite a view you have there

Nothing like an active volcano to really make the workday more interesting, that, and getting to work outside for a day.
One bird at a time

After the fair in Puebla last Friday, I joined the local birders on a day trip to the La Malinche National Park. We had a nice walk through a wooded barranca. Wooded was the key word, and even with the big lens I didn’t end up with so many good pictures. The flowers and butterflies […]
Lazy Sunday = relaxing, not photo inspiring

I didn’t pull out my real camera once over the weekend. Still a great time was had by all, especially just sitting in the sunshine.
My first real use of incidental leave – visit to Puebla

I got back late last night from a great weekend in Puebla visiting my best girlfriend and co-volunteer. We didn’t even really do anything except catch up, and that was perfect. I only messed up a little on the way back, because I thought that I had bought my bus ticket online the day before, […]