Monarchs, the teaser

Three of us spent a bit longer than a day in Valle de Bravo in the Estado de Mexico to go see the monarch butterflies in one of their winter homes in Piedra Herrada. Soooo many more pictures to come, but this is one of my favorites. Really no words to describe this experience, but […]
Ingenuity inspiration

I looked up the definition of ingenuity to make sure I was thinking about it properly. in·ge·nu·i·ty (n): the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. (from googling “definition ingenuity”) Turns out I knew the definition. Knowing the definition doesn’t change why I was thinking about it. I can believe that sometimes I am each […]
Day of the Dead – Ofrendas

It boggles the mind how much better sugar and chocolate can get, but make them into amazing skulls and other decorations and there you have it. The ofrendas, or offerings for the day of the dead altars can be pictures, food, flowers, and many symbolic items. The pictures that I took, mostly in the markets, […]
Day of the Dead – El Panteón Municipal

On the morning of Dia de los Muertos, my mother (visit arranged to correspond with this fascinating holiday) and I went down the main cemetery in town. We had been told that it would be buzzing with activity, but I don’t think we were prepared for how active it was. It seemed like nearly every […]
Day of the Dead – Altars

The Day of the Dead altars around town were beautiful and impressive in the amount of work that went into them. Each was dedicated to several people with varying levels of historical significance. Photographing the altars presented some challenges to my panorama-editing abilities, but I’m definitely learning a lot about the software that I have […]
Day of the Dead — La Catrina(s)

Many of these photos are among my favorites that I shot over the holiday. I thought about keeping these for the last Dia de los Muertos post, but then I was motivated to edit them first. So, here they are, from two events. The first was a La Catrina contest with large paper mache designs, […]
Day of the Dead – Part 1

About to head out to explore more of the city for Day of the Dead, but the altars have been up around town for a few days.
What a birdbrain.

(tee hee) I found some sustainable development at the office.

I’ve been meaning to take my new, big zoom lens to work for a while to capture the amazing insect world out there. Finally I remembered this week, and then the problem was that I had a lot of work to do. I kept trying to leave the office a bit early in the evening […]
Feeling a bit exposed here

I have no idea what is going on here. Or maybe it is just that type of week.
Visit to Oaxaca – Puppies and Tlayudas, but separate.

When I received a last-minute invitation to Oaxaca last week, it took me a few hours to accept, because I was supposed to go work with the bees on Saturday. However, it was a long weekend because of the independence day holiday on Friday, and this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. […]
Vacation: up the coast to the boulders and forest we go

I’m just back from an amazing, and as-warned much to short visit to California to see my novio. Sigh. And the Mexican customs confiscated the delicious salami that I was bringing back. I’m grumpy to be back. I’m sure my mood will improve once I go for a run. Except for the fact that I […]