The steaming river, epiphytes, orchids, and bromeliads

After my weekend in San Blas and Isla Isabel, I went to Guadalajara for “a series of work meetings.” Haha, a bit of a private joke there, but I did work some. I also had a really nice week relaxing and exploring a bit. The highlight of the week was the visit to the Bosque […]

San Blas and Isla Isabel

I finally made it to the beach – the charming beach town of San Blas where two volunteers are stationed and the amazing migratory marine bird reserve at Isla Isabel, about 3 hours off the coast. I will write more later, but I’ve been working on the photos for days and want to get them […]

Iguana War 2012, Round 3

I’m almost (almost!) done editing the pictures from the beach and bird sanctuary, but photoshop and I keep fighting about memory and the editing. So, in the mean time, Round 3! [polldaddy poll=6060455]

Big, beautiful times

Really worthwhile to click on the picture to see it full size. Just ignore the artifacts at the horizon from a less than perfect job on the construction of the panorama. Also, there is an interesting comparison to be made between the vistas above on Isla Isabel and below on Bartholomew Island in the Galapagos.

Iguana War 2012, Round 2

Scout is leading over the dragon, but polls are still open. I could be in trouble now though. [polldaddy poll=6044381]

Iguana War 2012, Round 1

I have challenged M. to an iguana war. I have a lot of good, new iguana pictures, but he has more from the Galapagos. We shall see. Please vote for your favorite. [polldaddy poll=6038430]

To the birds

3 days into a week of travel. ~730 pics so far, although this number is inflated from 2 sunrise time-lapse series. Still, a lot to edit. So far, amazing – the trip not boasting about the pictures. I spent the weekend on the Marine bird protected area and National Park, Isla Isabel. More on this […]

January Cultural Leftovers

From the Down the Street on a Friday Night post, here are some of the other images I captured at the stumbled upon cultural event in the next neighborhood over from mine. The costumes were amazing, and I wish the pictures weren’t so blurry. My good lens still couldn’t quite handle the combination of low light […]

Sure, it’s January

or, Sure it’s January? Like I’ve been saying, no complaints about the weather.

Monarchs: the rest of the story

Although it is very nice to be back in Switzerland for the holidays, and the mountains are beautiful, I am still amazed as I edit the monarch pictures. Three of us went to one of the monarch winter nesting grounds near Valle de Bravo in central Mexico. We aren’t allowed into the state of Michoacan […]