I’m just going to sit here

Don’t make me decide. It’s too hot to do anything but swim. Really  too hot to swim, so I’m just going to sit here.
When nature color-blocks

Brand Spankin’ New

I’m at an age where I seem to consistently have 3 or 4 pregnant friends at any time. At least this time it was a local friend so I can at least take some pictures now that the baby is here. I wanted to meet the baby primarily, but I also wanted to give them […]
End of day monarchy

I’m not even sure what the title means, that is how fried I am. However, a quick photography stop for sunflowers became even more glorious with my lepidopterous friend here. Again, unabashed word abuse, but I like the way it sounds.
My what big eyes you have

I needed a goal before I began tackling some photo library organization and clean-up this evening. It only took me 4 days to actually start after thinking up the idea. Tedious but necessary. Finding interesting eyes makes it a bit more bearable.
A plumed thistle for your thoughts?

Found on a pleasant evening dog-walk. It is either a Wavyleaf thistle or a Texas thistle – still investigating the subtle differences between Cirsium undulatum and Cirsium texanum. Any botanists want to chime in? Both are plumed thistles, I believe.
April flowers

Spring is pushed a month early here, so it should have been March showers for April flowers, but there has not been enough rain. I’ll wait another week, but things are getting desperate in terms of wildflowers. I might just be walking down the highway medians, because that’s where all the best flowers appear to […]
Eat, Pray, Dinosaur

I know. I know. I’m supposed to be transitioning to more professional material on the blog while I am still searching for employment, but I was given a new dinosaur! In miniature! Perfect for new photo projects. We did some baking today – after I did my yoga and sent out a couple of cover […]
Out of the theater

And into the near-summer brightness and heat on this last day of “Spring Break.” My SXSW film round-up will be coming soon. First, my first birds of Texas! A Golden-cheeked Warbler and a Northern Cardinal.
Into the wild(er) slightly more northern parts

I had a spur-of-the-moment chance to make a quick visit to the lovely state of Aguascalientes recently. I’ve been meaning to visit the Volunteer living up there, but scheduling these trips is tricky, unless you can just go with the flow and take the last-minute opportunity. This is now the most northerly part of Mexico […]
Marvelous Mexican Mountains – Malinche

If only that title was also a palindrome, that would be like infinity in word-nerd points. However, even without a perfect nerd score, it was wonderful to get back to the mountains with a little light mountaineering and an intense hiking day. We started a little after 9am and made it to the top in […]
Pinal de Amoles and one Puente de Dios

It was really hard to narrow down the 200-odd pictures I took last weekend down to the just-under 40 that I am showing below. The RÃo Escanela near Pinal de Amoles in the Sierra Gorda de Querétaro turns out to be just as beautiful as the soon-to-be off-limits Huasteca region in San Luis PotosÃ. I […]