Two weeks…

Oh crap, just 2 weeks left before Mexico. I’m excited, but sometimes also very sad – like when I’m bouldering. Here’s one of my favorite images from a great site ( to make me feel a little better
Contraction, yet again

I’m having on-and-off productive days as I try to get rid of stuff – contract my possessions. This is my second overseas move, and I’m feeling fine about the amount of stuff that I have and getting rid of much of it. I’m going to end up with more stuff in “storage” at M’s parent’s […]
March and Procrastination

I still don’t have a plane ticket, but I received another letter which said that I will start my Peace Corps stuff on March 14th in D.C. before heading to Mexico. Starting to feel the moving stress, but that is the motivator. Posted the plants online for sale, and the snowshoes, but not so […]