What moving back looks like

3 weeks out and I can finally edit the packing pictures without the panicky feeling coming back. Everything fit and made it back. I would say with no problems, but packing day was stressful enough that it was a problem at the time. I made it down to Mexico for Peace Corps service with 2 […]
Posh Core

Everything was delivered today, even though I just ordered internet yesterday. So, now I can work and blog from my couch and get focused on other projects, which will hopefully keep me out of the house. Still, it is feeling very nice to have this place to come home to, and I’m starting to feel […]
Furniture delivered…with style

I would like to say that this is the last post about moving in, but I’m very excited about my futon delivery on Thursday, so there will probably be a picture of that as well. These moving-in pictures and posts are what is happening in my life right now, but they are not interesting for […]
Picture of a Moving-In

I’m sitting on the floor in the one corner of my apartment where the internet reaches, and I’m just too tired to write more. No furniture, maybe not until Monday because of the rain.
Where I’m at (no turntables nor microphones)

With much trepidation and frustration I went to look at my apartment last night. I was supposed to move in on the 20th, but the repairs to the kitchen sink are taking longer than expected. Â I didn’t know what to expect with my limited understanding of the problem, but I heard something about the floor. […]
Sworn-in and now presenting the volunteers of PCMexico-10

We were officially sworn-in yesterday in a very nice ceremony held at the PC headquarters office here in Mexico. The ceremony and apero afterwards were a satisfying way to end the stressful training time, and then we, the new volunteers, basically just celebrated for the rest of the day. So today is moving day, for […]
Good party

I’m definitely a bit sad today, and saying goodbye to people at the party was tough. It’s going about as well as it can though, since it’s turning out to be a nice, calm day.
Going-away Party Day

Two more days in Switzerland, and I’m not sleeping so well as a result. The stress isn’t too bad though, or else this flu would have hit me much worse. After M ruthlessly helped me go through my suitcases last night, they are under-weight with only a few things still to go in. So it […]
Packing is the worst

I can’t do it. Two suitcases and my backpack just aren’t quite enough. I’m going to have to check a third bag. If I could sneak past check in with a carry-on suitcase, a briefcase, and a purse then I will technically be within the limits. Or, I’m going to reconsider what I am trying […]
One week

Packed up the kitchen today and showed the apartment. Just over 40 people showed up in the hour we had it open. Not too bad for Zurich, but still stressful.
Picture of a Move (#2)

What moving looks like in Zurich

Bulk, household garbage tram one day Electronics waste tram the next Best part was when one of the guys at the electronics waste tram rescued a stack of VHS tapes for himself.