Visit to Oaxaca – Puppies and Tlayudas, but separate.

When I received a last-minute invitation to Oaxaca last week, it took me a few hours to accept, because I was supposed to go work with the bees on Saturday. However, it was a long weekend because of the independence day holiday on Friday, and this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. […]

Back from Oaxaca

It was a great long weekend, and the day started beautifully. The 10-hour ride back was tough, but all-in-all worth it. As usual, more photos to come. [mappress mapid=”9″]

Monday is for Organization

But here is a placeholder while I process the 45 or so images that I want to post from the Festival Siguientescena. This is my final photo of the evening and the festival, because my battery died right after I took this one. So fitting though, because b-boy Gregory from Canada was probably my favorite […]

Cultural Event – Ya ximhai xa nsu (Territorios de lo Sagrado)

On Sunday, I went to the closing day of a cultural exhibition on the indigenous people Otomi-Chichimecas or Hñahñu. The exhibition was highlighting the yearly pilgrimage of the Otomi-Chichimecas, Ya ximhai xa nsu, which translates to “Territories of the sacred or precious land”. I did not actually get a chance to see most of the exhibit, but […]


I could get used to this. I’m just glad that I have two more.

My first real use of incidental leave – visit to Puebla

I got back late last night from a great weekend in Puebla visiting my best girlfriend and co-volunteer. We didn’t even really do anything except catch up, and that was perfect. I only messed up a little on the way back, because I thought that I had bought my bus ticket online the day before, […]


I’ve been working on a personal presentation to give to people at my site as a way of introducing myself, my background, and more former work. So, I’ve been going through a lot of pictures, and I found a bunch of stragglers that didn’t quite make the cut the first time. However, a lot of […]

Sigh of relief, it was about time

It was fantastically great to get back on real rock this weekend. With the group from the local climbing gym, I went bouldering in Aculco, basically here: [mappress mapid=”4″] The rock was nice and I did a variety of problems. I wasn’t working on anything too hard, but I sent everything I tried in a […]