One bird at a time

After the fair in Puebla last Friday, I joined the local birders on a day trip to the La Malinche National Park. We had a nice walk through a wooded barranca. Wooded was the key word, and even with the big lens I didn’t end up with so many good pictures. The flowers and butterflies […]

Community Participation Tools

Taking a step back to the second-to-last day of Mid-Service Training and away from my oh-so-self-important reflections, I want to share some pictures from our group field trip to one of the communities in which we have been working for the solar stove project. But, before I do that, I will explain how this outing […]

Not quite a project…

…but quite the eco-condo. The three of us from the solar oven project had the opportunity to go and look at an eco-condo and organic chicken farm that have been built near town. We met the designer, builder, entrepreneur-owner at the solar cooking festival. He has done some amazing work on his plot of land […]

A new day

From Isla Isabel, Nayarit. I finally got around to assembling the time-lapse video. It’s been a pretty quiet week otherwise. Busy, but quiet. [vimeo w=500&h=400] Apparently I bumped the camera a couple of times. Still, for a first attempt at time-lapse video and manually timing each shot, I’m happy.  

Uninspired to cook

When it gets hot I just don’t feel like cooking. But I’m still hungry, so I’m kind of stuck. Also, I’m doing data entry for the solar cookstove project, which is uninspiring for the moment. Although, I expect the results to be interesting (perhaps even fascinating). So, here are two pics from the last cookstove […]

Semana Santa 2012 – talk about a good Friday.

Last year’s Easter week was in town during training and I kept myself occupied exploring the cultural side of the festivities in a very Catholic country. So, I didn’t feel the need to do that again, and I was hoping for a climbing trip. I was feeling frustrated that everyone seemed to have exciting plans […]

The steaming river, epiphytes, orchids, and bromeliads

After my weekend in San Blas and Isla Isabel, I went to Guadalajara for “a series of work meetings.” Haha, a bit of a private joke there, but I did work some. I also had a really nice week relaxing and exploring a bit. The highlight of the week was the visit to the Bosque […]

San Blas and Isla Isabel

I finally made it to the beach – the charming beach town of San Blas where two volunteers are stationed and the amazing migratory marine bird reserve at Isla Isabel, about 3 hours off the coast. I will write more later, but I’ve been working on the photos for days and want to get them […]

Iguana War 2012, Round 2

Scout is leading over the dragon, but polls are still open. I could be in trouble now though. [polldaddy poll=6044381]

Iguana War 2012, Round 1

I have challenged M. to an iguana war. I have a lot of good, new iguana pictures, but he has more from the Galapagos. We shall see. Please vote for your favorite. [polldaddy poll=6038430]

To the birds

3 days into a week of travel. ~730 pics so far, although this number is inflated from 2 sunrise time-lapse series. Still, a lot to edit. So far, amazing – the trip not boasting about the pictures. I spent the weekend on the Marine bird protected area and National Park, Isla Isabel. More on this […]

The problem when it’s not your camera…

… is that you don’t have any of the pictures to work with after the trip is over. Instead, I’m at the whim of my guy to choose and send me some. Still, what is worse is arriving home at 11:30pm to an apartment where the power has been cut because the power bill did […]