Nice to have a few days at home

After keeping my fridge mostly empty for the past month while I have been traveling every few days, it is nice to be able to go to the local market to restock. The scene can get a bit wild on the weekends, and I finally had the courage to sneak a bunch of photos with […]
Just that type of day

Sigh. I had to buy some chips and a soda. It’s only Wednesday. Sigh. Of course, I also went for a fairly nice to run to balance things out. Didn’t completely work. Onto a bit of gin now. I’m ready for a vacation, but that is still weeks away.
Christmas Crafter’s Paradise in Mexico

A couple of weeks ago I went to the market to do my normal shopping and I went in a side door. When I came out through the main door however I stumbled into a baffling array of mosses, small wooden houses, and even smaller plastic animals. Â Probably due to the fact that I’m not […]
So, it’s kiss a pig for luck right?

So I’ve got this right? The night before a big race it’s: drink plenty of water, eat pasta, and kiss a pig for luck?
Market bounty

Return from Volunteer Visit

I’m back from a few days in the campo. Great trip. Only time for a few pictures right now. Starting with the most important – the food. Had delicious huaraches in the mercado, and definitely not the shoe variety – blue corn, nopales, potato, and mucho queso. Also had some time in the beautiful park. […]
Market Day

Another trip to an amazing market. [nggallery id=11]