Into the wild(er) slightly more northern parts

I had a spur-of-the-moment chance to make a quick visit to the lovely state of Aguascalientes recently. I’ve been meaning to visit the Volunteer living up there, but scheduling these trips is tricky, unless you can just go with the flow and take the last-minute opportunity. This is now the most northerly part of Mexico […]
That’s quite a view you have there

Nothing like an active volcano to really make the workday more interesting, that, and getting to work outside for a day.
Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.

You are just going up, one step at a time. Beautiful day up, on, and down Malinche. Full report coming soon.
Getting out more

From the Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato where I spent the last 2 days working, although it doesn’t feel like work when the setting is so beautiful.