Holiday Time

Being with family for the holidays is always a special, largely food-filled time. I’ve finally found the appropriate clock for telling holiday time.
I am also thankful for…

… wonderful bread from the best bakery in town that I get to take on a visit to see friends.
The first thing I am thankful for…

…is good coffee, first thing in the morning. Donuts don’t hurt either, but aren’t required.
Day of the Dead 2012 – Marigolds and Altars

Walking around town this year, I think that the Day of the Dead altars are still beautiful and well-crafted, but they seem smaller or less elaborate. To separate this year’s photos from last year’s, I’m more focused on the marigolds. These are the traditional flowers use to honor the dead and are used on the […]
Representative food

This weekend is Mexican Independence Day, and the traditional food around this time is a dish called chiles en nogada consisting of stuffed poblano chiles with a cream sauce and pomegranate seeds. So, the colors of the Mexican flag are clearly represented. It’s quite rich, but I have played around with my own versions a […]
Time to run some of this ceviche off

And get to editing. Back from the Yucatan and Quintana Roo and feeling relief from the heat and humidity. Sometimes a week can feel like a nice long time. Lots of amazing birds, sights, food, and time with my guy help. As if the flamingos aren’t teasing enough, the route we took: [mappress mapid=”11″]
Happy Mother’s Day

We don’t look that much alike, or I still just don’t see it. ;) Awesome photo credit to Steve L. Find him here.
Semana Santa 2012 – talk about a good Friday.

Last year’s Easter week was in town during training and I kept myself occupied exploring the cultural side of the festivities in a very Catholic country. So, I didn’t feel the need to do that again, and I was hoping for a climbing trip. I was feeling frustrated that everyone seemed to have exciting plans […]
Return to the Winter Bouldering Grounds

Just like the monarchs returning to Mexico in Winter, some things are seasonally determined, like a Ticino bouldering session if the weather allows in December. Until the clouds dissipated and the full sun came out there was less activity to be seen, but also like with the monarchs, the activity level really picked up once things warmed up a bit. […]
Christmas Crafter’s Paradise in Mexico

A couple of weeks ago I went to the market to do my normal shopping and I went in a side door. When I came out through the main door however I stumbled into a baffling array of mosses, small wooden houses, and even smaller plastic animals. Â Probably due to the fact that I’m not […]
Day of Sustainable Technology Transfer

It just doesn’t have the same ring to it though. However, discussing Thanksgiving during my Spanish conversation group this week, we stumbled upon what the day is really about. Sure, there are the parts about sharing the bounty of the harvest, but the really lasting effects were the knowledge transfer and capacity building from the […]
Day of the Dead – Ofrendas

It boggles the mind how much better sugar and chocolate can get, but make them into amazing skulls and other decorations and there you have it. The ofrendas, or offerings for the day of the dead altars can be pictures, food, flowers, and many symbolic items. The pictures that I took, mostly in the markets, […]