Getting out more

From the Sierra Gorda de Guanajuato where I spent the last 2 days working, although it doesn’t feel like work when the setting is so beautiful.
Headcolds and Horses

A weekend lost to a headcold gives me time to get a lot of reading done and some cleaning up of my photo library. I was going back through photos from last year, and found this inspiring shot from Guanajuato. Guess what I’m reading? Lots and lots of Game of Thrones. Actually I finished the […]
Almost a complete set

After climbing in Salamanca, Guanajuato yesterday, I think that I’m just missing one of the “local” crags – those within say an hour to an hour and a half away – before I have the complete set. The missing locale is an old crater and supposed to be nice, but we’ll have to see how […]
What a birdbrain.

Just hanging around…

…getting ready for Day of the Dead, and I am excited. I rereading that and I don’t know if it sounds wrong or insensitive, but I really enjoy the art and learning about this aspect of the Mexican culture. It is going to be a couple of crazy weeks, and actually I had a great, […]
Take 2: Camping and Climbing

This time the plan was camp, climb, fiesta, maybe more climbing. However, looking back to Friday, my stomach was already a bit off. The (nearly) 3-hour run on Friday probably didn’t help. In fact, it kind of destroyed me. Maybe an ominous portent for Saturday, I had no energy to post about my success for […]
Sunday in Las Tepuzas (I think)

I had another great climbing day this Sunday. We drove just into Guanajuato state, and I think I’ve found the location on the map which indicates that the climbing is actually in Queretaro state: [mappress mapid=”5″] And you can start your day with quesadillas and pulque at the turn off to the crag. It was […]
Guanajuato, Mexico

There was no doubt that everyone was enchanted by Guanajuato. The most common lament was that no one would be stationed there. While we had another meeting canceled here, the frustration was tempered by the extra time for our cultural activities. Even though I wasn’t really eating, I loved the green bakery, and I always […]
Return from FBT

I’m back from my mostly interesting trip to Léon and Guanajuato. The highlight was definitely Guanajuato. Not only is the city just beautiful, but the mummy museum is also amazing. I’m working on editing the pictures, but here is a panorama of Guanajuato to get started. I think everyone was disappointed that no one will […]