
Yep, that’s pretty much it.
A plumed thistle for your thoughts?

Found on a pleasant evening dog-walk. It is either a Wavyleaf thistle or a Texas thistle – still investigating the subtle differences between Cirsium undulatum and Cirsium texanum. Any botanists want to chime in? Both are plumed thistles, I believe.
2 days of flowers and work

I mean work and flowers. Definitely in that order. To work on the super-secret, super-awesome soccer ball project, I got to tag along on the practicum visit of a couple of trainees in the natural resource management program. The visit was to the Bosque La Primavera in Guadalajara, and it was definitely worth a second […]
Gotta get out more

Thank goodness I have secondary projects outside of the office so that I don’t miss when the wildflowers explode into bloom.

It’s the beginning of Semana Santa here in Mexico. In general, it is a week of vacation, but I’m about to tackle a pile of UN development documents over the next day in preparation for a meeting on Wednesday. I need to find/remember/keep my tranquility, because I generally hate reading these types of documents which, […]