Sunday in Las Tepuzas (I think)

I had another great climbing day this Sunday. We drove just into Guanajuato state, and I think I’ve found the location on the map which indicates that the climbing is actually in Queretaro state: [mappress mapid=”5″] And you can start your day with quesadillas and pulque at the turn off to the crag. It was […]
Sigh of relief, it was about time

It was fantastically great to get back on real rock this weekend. With the group from the local climbing gym, I went bouldering in Aculco, basically here: [mappress mapid=”4″] The rock was nice and I did a variety of problems. I wasn’t working on anything too hard, but I sent everything I tried in a […]
It’s not quite the same…

… as my beloved Minimum (, but I did go bouldering last night.
Are these the mountains to climb?

Spotted while flying south over Mexico
I’m calling it

I think they are dead.
Favorite pictures of myself

It makes me smile to try this. My guy is a good photographer, and since we do a lot of activities conducive to photos, I’ve had to get a lot better about being photographed, and I think I’ve done a splendid job, for something I hate so much. The real test will be when I […]