One bird at a time

After the fair in Puebla last Friday, I joined the local birders on a day trip to the La Malinche National Park. We had a nice walk through a wooded barranca. Wooded was the key word, and even with the big lens I didn’t end up with so many good pictures. The flowers and butterflies […]
Wish they all could be California birds

After travelling all night and trying to jump back into work yesterday, I might still be a touch grumpy, which is the usual state upon return to Mexico after visiting M. in California. We had a few great days together with a lot of birdwatching around Lake Tahoe and in the Bay area. This time, […]
The steaming river, epiphytes, orchids, and bromeliads

After my weekend in San Blas and Isla Isabel, I went to Guadalajara for “a series of work meetings.” Haha, a bit of a private joke there, but I did work some. I also had a really nice week relaxing and exploring a bit. The highlight of the week was the visit to the Bosque […]
San Blas and Isla Isabel

I finally made it to the beach – the charming beach town of San Blas where two volunteers are stationed and the amazing migratory marine bird reserve at Isla Isabel, about 3 hours off the coast. I will write more later, but I’ve been working on the photos for days and want to get them […]
To the birds

3 days into a week of travel. ~730 pics so far, although this number is inflated from 2 sunrise time-lapse series. Still, a lot to edit. So far, amazing – the trip not boasting about the pictures. I spent the weekend on the Marine bird protected area and National Park, Isla Isabel. More on this […]
Not a bad way to start

My visit to California is off to a beautiful start. Now, onwards to Bishop! Good thing  I brought the zoom lens back for a visit too.

In what will hopefully become an ongoing gag. I had a great day working with Sarah and others on her solar oven project in a small community in the municipality of Huimilpan. More to come.
Two weeks…

Oh crap, just 2 weeks left before Mexico. I’m excited, but sometimes also very sad – like when I’m bouldering. Here’s one of my favorite images from a great site ( to make me feel a little better
Life List

After the Galapagos and Ecuadorian jungle I’ve thought about starting a life list for birding. I don’t just want a text file though. I would like a database program that I could import pictures into, list the location and date, and have it all searchable. I also pass of the l laziness as wanting/needing a […]