A new perspective

After visiting the place many times over roughly a year and a half and climbing there for nearly as long, the one thing that was missing from my Bernal experience was actually climbing up the whole damn thing. Well check that off my list in a most pleasant way. We picked one of the classic […]
Happy Mother’s Day

We don’t look that much alike, or I still just don’t see it. ;) Awesome photo credit to Steve L. Find him here.
Planta Madre

Planta Madre is a group committed the conservation, cultivation, replanting of cactus and medicinal plants in the Bernal area of the state of Querétaro. The work in the protected area of the Peña de Bernal and have a large production greenhouse in San Antonio de la Cal. The group has been in existence for 6-7 […]
Happy Cactus Day

I had a happy cactus day. I’m not trying to imply that Cactus Day is an actual holiday, but it might be. Also, not that I need another project, but when Sarah makes a great contact and the opportunity involves going to Bernal to check out rare cacti, I’m in. At least this is starting […]
Local Crag Sunday (Issue #5b)

In which Sarah and I meet a new climbing crew (go blog power!) and have a bush-whacking backtrack adventure before getting to the pretty, pretty routes. Karen has a power lead day, albeit on nothing harder than probably a 10b, but still has a great day on lead even through another blazing hot day probably over […]