Time to run some of this ceviche off

And get to editing. Back from the Yucatan and Quintana Roo and feeling relief from the heat and humidity. Sometimes a week can feel like a nice long time. Lots of amazing birds, sights, food, and time with my guy help. As if the flamingos aren’t teasing enough, the route we took: [mappress mapid=”11″]
Birds of my Neighborhood

You’ve already met the cat that stalks them or dreams of stalking them, so now it’s time to give some attention to the birds that hang around my neighborhood. Mainly, it was just really nice on my terrace the other evening, so I decided to hang out there for a while and take some pics. […]
Cañón del Sabino

No witty title, just pictures and more pictures from the canyon with the military macaw colony. I want to go back with a tripod and really get started at 5am to see the big movement of the birds first thing as they exit the canyon. And, yes, I know that a tripod won’t really help […]
Or, two birds at a time

I have to post one now, because the full set will take a few days to edit. Amazing weekend with the military macaws (guacamayas verdes/ara militaris). Ok, maybe 2 right now. Well, I’ve got 3 edited, so I might as well put them all up. Also, I’m afraid these are the best ones. I have […]
Mid-week Mid-Service moment of zen

As long as I can keep running and doing a bit of multi-tasking then I expect to make it through the week just fine. It will take some reflection to write something longer, but there is plenty of reflection going on this week during mid-service training. It is a different perspective entering the second year, […]
One year of service in…

…and still looking for technology transfer in all the familiar places.
Big sized fun

Or, fun with a macro lens in California, part one. It takes so long to edit pictures. All I have done right now is like a tenth of the bird pics and this one. So, this one will have to do as a placeholder while I keep editing.
Iguana War 2012, Round 4 — the Finals!

After three well-fought rounds, and one not-so-well-fought, we have arrived at the finals. [polldaddy poll=6109359]
Signs of Spring

Besides the Jacarandas and the return of mosquitos, there is the return of the heat. Even my cat has had to make a concession to the rising temperatures and can no longer nap completely under the covers.
Iguana War 2012, Round 4 – the Semifinals!

You know the drill. If you haven’t voted in the previous rounds, please do so as well. [polldaddy poll=6088009]
San Blas and Isla Isabel

I finally made it to the beach – the charming beach town of San Blas where two volunteers are stationed and the amazing migratory marine bird reserve at Isla Isabel, about 3 hours off the coast. I will write more later, but I’ve been working on the photos for days and want to get them […]
Iguana War 2012, Round 3

I’m almost (almost!) done editing the pictures from the beach and bird sanctuary, but photoshop and I keep fighting about memory and the editing. So, in the mean time, Round 3! [polldaddy poll=6060455]