After keeping my fridge mostly empty for the past month while I have been traveling every few days, it is nice to be able to go to the local market to restock. The scene can get a bit wild on the weekends, and I finally had the courage to sneak a bunch of photos with my iPod. Now if they would only put a decent camera on the thing like with the phone. Oh well, I’ll edit these a bit more heavily than normal, call them artsy, and enjoy eating well for the next week.
Puppies! Puppies for sale! Basket full of probably too young puppies for sale.
I think this guy was on to me.
The usual selection – a good thing.
A fine selection of pirated content
That’s a might large pile of meat, hanging under more meat, surrounded by some more meat.
Bird prison.
Always with the birds at the mercado…
This guy is always right next to my favorite cheese shop. I have no idea what it is, but it looks and smells terrible. It appears to be mostly parts of the vascular system.
It is a crazy good time for fruit now after the rainy season.
It’s a good thing that I don’t want to try and make the fried pork skins look appetizing.
It is amazing how unappetizing something can look and smell and yet how popular it can be. This guy always has a line of people waiting for a bag full o’ meat. The cheese line was especially long, so I had more time than normal to wonder over this meat concoction while trying to avoid the larger wafts of smoke headed my way. I wish I had a better picture to fully capture how it really does seem to be mostly tubular parts, and cow vessels are not small. I can only imagine the texture… yuck.
Haha, I love the comments on these pictures. My fav is “It appears to be mostly parts of the vasÂcuÂlar system.” Mmm, appetizing o_0
It is amazing how unappetizing something can look and smell and yet how popular it can be. This guy always has a line of people waiting for a bag full o’ meat. The cheese line was especially long, so I had more time than normal to wonder over this meat concoction while trying to avoid the larger wafts of smoke headed my way. I wish I had a better picture to fully capture how it really does seem to be mostly tubular parts, and cow vessels are not small. I can only imagine the texture… yuck.
I don’t want to imagine it! *shudder*