This explains some things

Mainly like why the volunteers have had such hit-and-miss luck with veterinarians for our adopted pets.
A large automobile and water flowing underground

How did I get here? How do I work this? Where does this highway lead to? In my case, I was not behind the wheel of the large automobile, per Peace Corps regulations, but the questions still apply to a bit of a bizarre weekend. I can’t really say that much, except interesting times as […]
Surprised, Scraped, Smacked around, but still Smiling

I was totally unprepared to be climbing well on the tufa-filled caves of Guadalcázar. I had either been avoiding or unable to join the group on the previous trips for the 3-hour drive up north into San Luis PotosÃ, but I’m very glad that I did join them this time. It is a beautiful place, […]