To Remember: next year buy tickets.

Just like everyone warned me, it is best to have tickets to some actual shows during the Festival Cervantino in Guanajuato. However, I still wanted to check out the scene. The arts festivals here in my town have been so amazing, and this Cervantes festival is much more famous. So, while I was prepared and […]

Just hanging around…

…getting ready for Day of the Dead, and I am excited. I rereading that and I don’t know if it sounds wrong or insensitive, but I really enjoy the art and learning about this aspect of the Mexican culture. It is going to be a couple of crazy weeks, and actually I had a great, […]

(tee hee) I found some sustainable development at the office.

I’ve been meaning to take my new, big zoom lens to work for a while to capture the amazing insect world out there. Finally I remembered this week, and then the problem was that I had a lot of work to do. I kept trying to leave the office a bit early in the evening […]

My resolve is wavering.

And there is only a cat named Dulce to blame. She’s not mine, but I’m not sure that I can resist. I was going to hold fast to being a volunteer without a pet, but what am I supposed to do? I’ve got all this space and it would be pretty great to have a […]

First marathon, check. Next day hobbled, check. Worth it, check.

I was too tired yesterday afternoon to post about my first marathon success. I should start with the good news that I finished, without stopping or walking at all, with a time of 4h27m  for 42.195km/26.2miles. I’m really proud of the fact that I finished without walking at all, even though I was slower than […]

Those training materials are useful after all

Training, and the accompanying cold took me down hard last week, much harder than I expected when I felt the first tickle in my throat last Tuesday. I am finally feeling a bit of relief and I can actually imagine feeling like myself again with my energy back, but I’m not feeling enough relief and […]