Still trying

Scary for sure.
The problem when it’s not your camera…

… is that you don’t have any of the pictures to work with after the trip is over. Instead, I’m at the whim of my guy to choose and send me some. Still, what is worse is arriving home at 11:30pm to an apartment where the power has been cut because the power bill did […]
The body and mind

They are willing, but the skin cannot hold – in the Buttermilks. I made much better progress on a project (Solarium, V4) in the Happys yesterday. I very nearly had it, but the top sloper was just a bit too slippery in the hot afternoon sun.
Not a bad way to start

My visit to California is off to a beautiful start. Now, onwards to Bishop! Good thing  I brought the zoom lens back for a visit too.

In what will hopefully become an ongoing gag. I had a great day working with Sarah and others on her solar oven project in a small community in the municipality of Huimilpan. More to come.
January Cultural Leftovers

From the Down the Street on a Friday Night post, here are some of the other images I captured at the stumbled upon cultural event in the next neighborhood over from mine. The costumes were amazing, and I wish the pictures weren’t so blurry. My good lens still couldn’t quite handle the combination of low light […]
Supercat to the rescue

Here to save you for the weekend!
A bit ragged

This is a bit how I feel today, and not in the sense that I need a haircut. January was a roller-coaster, or at least a street-carnival shooting game. And if that didn’t look bad enough, there’s always the back. But don’t worry, there are plenty more cat pictures to come. Also, at some point […]
We’re climbing where this weekend?

It’s not ever really 3-dog night cold here…

…in Mexico, but it certainly has been 1-cat cold. So, I had to get a cat. Of course. Since meeting the effervescent Dulce, I had been considering getting a cat, but I was firm on wanting to rescue one. What was saving me was that I didn’t know the words in Spanish for “animal shelter”.  Then, […]
Fundraising for Child and Youth Scholarships at Niños y Niñas de México, A.C.

UPDATE: As of March 28, 2012, the grant is fully funded! Thank you to everyone who donated. If you still want to help in some way or learn more about this information, please contact me. Michaelene and I finally have our Peace Corps Partnership grant approved and ready for donations at: (linked removed) From our […]
Surprised, Scraped, Smacked around, but still Smiling

I was totally unprepared to be climbing well on the tufa-filled caves of Guadalcázar. I had either been avoiding or unable to join the group on the previous trips for the 3-hour drive up north into San Luis PotosÃ, but I’m very glad that I did join them this time. It is a beautiful place, […]