Project Quickie

A.k.a. one day work day at a local children’s home. A group of us tried to make the yard a bit less rocky for the kids to play in, and we much more successfully repainted almost the entire playground. Some other stuff as well, but too tired to go into it now. More later.

Local Crag Thursday

In which Sarah and I take a late-afternoon jaunt out the crag for some training on real rock. Also, the gym was closed.

Goal 4

To be present and assist where ever there is dessert to be found.

Happy Cactus Day

I had a happy cactus day. I’m not trying to imply that Cactus Day is an actual holiday, but it might be. Also, not that I need another project, but when Sarah makes a great contact and the opportunity involves going to Bernal to check out rare cacti, I’m in. At least this is starting […]

From the other side

From the other side of the Swearing-In. Congrats to the new group of volunteers in PCM-12.

Uninspired to cook

When it gets hot I just don’t feel like cooking. But I’m still hungry, so I’m kind of stuck. Also, I’m doing data entry for the solar cookstove project, which is uninspiring for the moment. Although, I expect the results to be interesting (perhaps even fascinating). So, here are two pics from the last cookstove […]


It’s the beginning of Semana Santa here in Mexico. In general, it is a week of vacation, but I’m about to tackle a pile of UN development documents over the next day in preparation for a meeting on Wednesday. I need to find/remember/keep my tranquility, because I generally hate reading these types of documents which, […]

Signs of Spring

Besides the Jacarandas and the return of mosquitos, there is the return of the heat. Even my cat has had to make a concession to the rising temperatures and can no longer nap completely under the covers.

Big, beautiful times

Really worthwhile to click on the picture to see it full size. Just ignore the artifacts at the horizon from a less than perfect job on the construction of the panorama. Also, there is an interesting comparison to be made between the vistas above on Isla Isabel and below on Bartholomew Island in the Galapagos.

To the birds

3 days into a week of travel. ~730 pics so far, although this number is inflated from 2 sunrise time-lapse series. Still, a lot to edit. So far, amazing – the trip not boasting about the pictures. I spent the weekend on the Marine bird protected area and National Park, Isla Isabel. More on this […]