Critical Mass in Mexico

Or, as it is known here, Saca la Bici. It passes my window every Wednesday evening and I often watch them go without my camera. Finally I more than just got off my duff to stick myself and my camera out the window. Now I just need a bicycle to join them.  

Just that type of day

Sigh. I had to buy some chips and a soda. It’s only Wednesday. Sigh. Of course, I also went for a fairly nice to run to balance things out. Didn’t completely work. Onto a bit of gin now. I’m ready for a vacation, but that is still weeks away.

Power through it

If I can’t climb on the weekend, then I can at least power through some work.

Ready to Rock ‘n Roll

Apparently one way that development work can start is with a wad of cash. This is Micha and me making the transfer of funds for the efficient wood-burning cookstove project. Ah, nothing like getting a few thousand dollars in denominations of $5’s, $10’s and $50’s, or their peso equivalents. Pretty exciting and a bit scary, […]

Promises, Promises

I went out on this mostly grey election day to check out the voting sites and sights, but it is pretty quiet. I guess the real excitement could come later this evening as the preliminary results come in. I missed all the best photos of the campaign posters around town, but I did snap a […]

All the parties under one roof

Well, technically a couple are missing, but the Green Party candidate and the PRI candidate are one and the same a lot of the time (most of the time/all of the time? This is not a political blog), and the Nueva Alianza posters are much fewer and far between. These are all the major players. […]

Or, two birds at a time

I have to post one now, because the full set will take a few days to edit. Amazing weekend with the military macaws (guacamayas verdes/ara militaris). Ok, maybe 2 right now. Well, I’ve got 3 edited, so I might as well put them all up. Also, I’m afraid these are the best ones. I have […]

Mid-week Mid-Service moment of zen

As long as I can keep running and doing a bit of multi-tasking then I expect to make it through the week just fine. It will take some reflection to write something longer, but there is plenty of reflection going on this week during mid-service training. It is a different perspective entering the second year, […]

Big sized fun

Or, fun with a macro lens in California, part one. It takes so long to edit pictures. All I have done right now is like a tenth of the bird pics and this one. So, this one will have to do as a placeholder while I keep editing.

Happy Mother’s Day

We don’t look that much alike, or I still just don’t see it. ;) Awesome photo credit to Steve L. Find him here.