Evening Explorations

flores de bienvenida

The end of week one: arrival at my host family’s home where I will be living for the next 11 weeks. Training begins in full force on Monday. They are a lovely family – very warm, generous, and patient. I am their second Peace Corps trainee, but I’m not sure what level of Spanish the […]
Are these the mountains to climb?

Spotted while flying south over Mexico
Headed to Mexico tomorrow

Officially a trainee for the next 11 weeks.
Sushi dinner

It’s all a bit overwhelming, but the sushi was so good that it made me forget about my jet lag for a few minutes.
One week

Packed up the kitchen today and showed the apartment. Just over 40 people showed up in the hour we had it open. Not too bad for Zurich, but still stressful.
Birthday flowers/Centerpiece

I had to leave them at M’s parent’s, since we are packing up the kitchen tomorrow, but they were great.
Picture of a Move (#2)

I’m calling it

I think they are dead.
What moving looks like in Zurich

Bulk, household garbage tram one day Electronics waste tram the next Best part was when one of the guys at the electronics waste tram rescued a stack of VHS tapes for himself.
Stupid pirate at the bar

Awesome Chameleon

from the Zurich zoo