My (first) award-winning photographs

I’m happy that I overcame my procrastination and entered the PC Mexico 50th Anniversary Photo Contest celebrating 50 years of Peace Corps. I won the “Faces of Mexico” category with the first photo below, taken during the silent procession during Semana Santa. The second photo, ¡Lucha Libre!, garnered an honorable mention in the same category.

Day trip – San Miguel de Allende

Only one thing is missing, the pictures of the best part – La Gruta. However, I’ve been light on posting pictures of old churches. So, here you go.

Nortec Collective – great show

The annual Festival de Santiago started in Querétaro on Wednesday. There are simultaneous performances on-going during the evenings in many of the gardens around town. We went to see the Nortec Collective show at the recommendation of our Spanish teachers, who were excited all day. To introduce us to the music before the show, we […]

Semana Santa – Day 1

For the first vacation day of Semana Santa, a group of us made a day trip out to the town of Bernal so we could walk part of the way up the third largest monolith in the world. It made me want my climbing stuff, soon. It looked like there are fair number of routes […]

Market Day

Another trip to an amazing market. [nggallery id=11]