These kids today…

…and their violent games. They are either beating on something with a stick, or just playing with fire.
And then they just walked out of here…

I mean, I’ve met some asshole ducks in my time, but the way that these two just waddled in here like they owned the place… (I actually had a really good day on the start of what I hope will be an amazing secondary project. It was just about time I started working blue on […]
The last was the best

I have sought out and photographed so many La Catrinas during this Day of the Dead, but the last was the best. Better yet, I’m still editing the 200 or so photos I took during the show of the 4 Catrinas. I’m down to about 95 photos, and editing further. Many, many more to come. […]
Day of the Dead – Part 1

About to head out to explore more of the city for Day of the Dead, but the altars have been up around town for a few days.
The beginnings of a proper Mexico City visit

What a birdbrain.

Just hanging around…

…getting ready for Day of the Dead, and I am excited. I rereading that and I don’t know if it sounds wrong or insensitive, but I really enjoy the art and learning about this aspect of the Mexican culture. It is going to be a couple of crazy weeks, and actually I had a great, […]
Lazy Sunday = relaxing, not photo inspiring

I didn’t pull out my real camera once over the weekend. Still a great time was had by all, especially just sitting in the sunshine.
Hit the road, for the weekend

Feeling a bit exposed here

I have no idea what is going on here. Or maybe it is just that type of week.
So, it’s kiss a pig for luck right?

So I’ve got this right? The night before a big race it’s: drink plenty of water, eat pasta, and kiss a pig for luck?
Those training materials are useful after all

Training, and the accompanying cold took me down hard last week, much harder than I expected when I felt the first tickle in my throat last Tuesday. I am finally feeling a bit of relief and I can actually imagine feeling like myself again with my energy back, but I’m not feeling enough relief and […]