I backed into the perfect activity for Children’s Day this past weekend. A current volunteer brought to our attention a sort of a halfway house for children in one of the northern colonias of the city that desperately needs repairs. She organized a group of current volunteers and trainees to go out and start making these repairs.
On Saturday we worked on the girls’ bathroom, a window, the kitchen sink, the outside stairs, and we assessed all of their old computers. The written list doesn’t seem to fully capture what we did, but it was an extremely rewarding day. I’m looking forward to going back and working on the house some more. There were a lot of good ideas for how to paint the house and make it a brighter place for the kids.
The house “Hogar del Joven” has a website which translates pretty well:Â http://www.hogardeljoven.com/inicio
The piñata project seems to be their main focus, but the glasses are a really interesting opportunity. I want to write more about this later, but I’m going to post this for now, and I’ll come back and add to this post later.
Tessa and I rocked the sink and window projects. We really did, except for that incident with the caulking gun.