I’m taking a short break from reality to take advantage of SXSW being in town. Since it is spring break, I have a partner in crime who doesn’t have to work, since she teaches, and is the perfect movie-going companion for an unemployed gal. The program of movies alone is overwhelming, and that doesn’t even count the general craziness out and about. The music part is just getting started, and the number of cool people walking around just exploded. Great people watching.

I’ve got a film wristband (formerly a film pass?), so we have to stand in line to get seats after the badge holders. Generally no issues getting into movies, except for a couple on the weekend where I should have known better because they were popular, big release movies.

So, in the first 4 days I have seen:

Unhung Hero

Cheap Thrills


Back to Abnormal

Narrative Shorts 1

The Network

Doc Shorts 1

Doc Shorts 2

I Give It A Year

… and there are still 5 days to go.

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2 Responses

  1. Jealous! This sounds like a lot of fun :) Afterward, you should do a brief recommendations list of what you saw/heard about!

    1. It is and will do. Saw more narrative shorts today and then another great documentary. The music craziness is in full swing, but all I could manage was a walk down the main street with the crowds spilling out of the bars and me feeling auditorily assaulted. I’m so old, and no where near hip enough. :)
      If only I could actually make it to a midnight showing. I really want to see more the late-night horror shows, but I just can’t stay up that late and then get up to do it all again in the morning. sigh.

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